Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ice Qube to go

Hey all, I have to tell you the very interesting site I just found. Now, I realize that this has nothing to do with writing, however, it is important to be prepared for disaster. I invite you all to check out the affordable site that assists you in proper preparing if a disaster strikes. http://www.ice-qube.com/ This site has everything from a starter kit to baby qube to pets on the go preparedness. You really need to check it out. They state that they based these kits on the US Department of Homeland Security. It is just a thought. However, I did not see an emergency kit for writers... hmmm!
Stay safe, all!
Remember to read, write and be merry.


  1. thanks for finding our ice-qubes - we are always thinking about other ice-qubes but never considered an Ice-Qube Writer. maybe we should.
    what would it include? reading glasses, paper, pen, aspirin, scented candle.....

  2. leslie,
    A writer's qube? I would say put in a word processor with batteries or better yet a netbook with internet connection, coffee, powered creamer, sugar packets, small bottles of alcohol, a good dictionary, munchies, cigarettes and waterproof matches, toliet paper, a magazine (The Writer or the Writer's Digest), first aid kit, water, and I am sure you can come up with other items. LOL! I wonder if it would sell? LOL!
